A Community of Jesus Followers Making a Difference in the World One Life at a Time
The Rock
Where Faith, Hope, and Love Abound
Our Creed is simple: Jesus is Lord. Our mandate is clear: Love God and love people. Our mission is focused: Go into all the world and make disciples.
We desire to see lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, in our neighborhood, our city, and to the whole world. The world needs hope and hope is only found in Christ. Therefore, we believe that the great need of the hour is a church where Faith, Hope, and Love abound.
We desire to be habitations of glory, where the presence of God, the Person of Christ, and the Power of the Holy Spirit is experienced and enjoyed.
We seek to be God glorifying, Christ-centered, and Spirit filled.
We are a church of the Spirit and the Word.
We are a Worshipping, Witnessing, Community of Jesus.